New Feature on Sixth

I think people should take note of a new amenity on Sixth Avenue that’s worth checking out. Now inside the base of the Hilton Hotel is a new 2,700-sf luxury boutique cosmetics spa and store that specializes in honest, no-pretense, expert advice on all things related to beauty and cosmetology - and the place caters to men just about as much as to women. It’s called Bluemercury of founder Barry Beck. (See the news stories at and

This place is more than a bunch of displays of lipstick and rouge amid a sea of pink and aqua. It’s a high-tech center worthy of Star Trek. There’s a mirror that can read products and provide video reviews. There’s remote makeup consultation via FaceTime. There’s an entire digital hub for the company’s social-media outreach, and there’s an augmented-reality feature in the works - all to find the right cosmetics for each individual. It’s a playground for people who love to look good. 

Just maybe the Avenue of the Americas really is the new Fifth Avenue.